The Cabot Family Charitable Trust
In 1942, Godfrey Lowell Cabot created a trust that eventually became known as the Cabot Family Charitable Trust. His intention was to establish an instrument of giving for his descendants and continue to promote the good works he started with his wife, Maria Moors Cabot.

The Trust makes grant awards twice a year to nonprofit organizations in the city of Boston and contiguous communities, as well as to organizations in which Cabot family members maintain philanthropic interest.
Awards are put to work in the areas of arts and culture, education and youth development, environment and conservation, health and human services, and for civic and public benefit.
Within these fields, as appropriate, the trustees prefer programs mainly serving youth and young adults, with a special interest in programs focused on ensuring the healthy growth and development of infants and young children, as a foundation for their future success.
Application Forms
Applications must be submitted by the deadlines noted below, using the format approved by the trustees.
Grant applications are due February 1st and September 1st and must be submitted by email. Funding decisions are made in June and December.
Grant Report Guidelines & Forms
Information for current grantees regarding reporting requirements.
Grant Program Guidelines & Policies
Please review the complete CFCT Grant Application Guidelines to learn more about our grantmaking program.
The Cabot Family Charitable Trust will consider grant applications requesting support for specific programs and activities, general operations, and capital campaigns. While most grant awards are for one year, the trustees may award multi-year funding for capital campaigns and, in limited circumstances, for a period of up to three years where a longer-term commitment can be shown to accelerate positive outcomes for a program or project.
Organizations considering a capital campaign request must apply for support by February 1st in any year. Capital requests will not be considered in the fall.
Grant awards range from $5,000-$50,000 for a one-year period.
- Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status within the city of Boston and contiguous communities are eligible for support.
- The Cabot Family Charitable Trust does not support sectarian programs of religious institutions, fraternal organizations, fundraising events or matching gift programs, nor does the Trust make awards to individuals.
- The trustees are unlikely to fund policy advocacy unless it is part of a larger program that has direct service components.
- Support for summer camp programs is channeled through the Summer Fund sponsored by Philanthropy Massachusetts.
- Applicants may submit one concept paper in a 12-month period.
Review Process & Criteria
Organizations may submit a funding request for one of the two deadlines (Feb. 1 or Sept. 1). After The Cabot Family Charitable Trust staff researches and reviews grant applications, the trustees make the final decision on all grant awards and recommendations. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their request in the June or December following submission of their application.
Applications recommended for in-depth review will meet the following criteria:
- Reflect Cabot family interests and provide benefits to communities and organizations that have been supported by family philanthropy.
- Extend important services to individuals and groups not served adequately through other programs and institutions.
- Manage change by assessing community needs and developing programs to meet emerging needs.
- Promote productive cooperation and full use of resources by nonprofit organizations and community groups.
- Test new approaches to problems or adapt solutions that have been successful elsewhere.
The Cabot Family Charitable Trust
22 Batterymarch Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Executive Director: Elizabeth M. Lynch
Shoma Aditya
John R. Cabot
Laura Cabot Carrigan
Mary Schneider Enriquez
Greenfield Sluder
Hendrika Sluder